
Treatment techniques by the South Jordan Chiropractor

The South Jordan Chiropractor follows various techniques to help patients recover from the ailments. These techniques are natural and need no special equipment. The practitioner is an expert in using such techniques for the benefit of the patients. The first and foremost technique is the Spinal manipulation. It is also known as Spinal Adjustment or Chiropractic Adjustment. It is the most common treatment used by any chiropractor. This treatment is a passive manual manipulation wherein a three joint complex is taken above the normal range of movement. During this process the joint is neither damaged nor dislocated. 

The process involves a dynamic thrust or a sudden force which increases the Joint's range of motion. During process of the Spinal Manipulative Therapy, the hands are used to massage, manipulate, adjust, mobilize, stimulate, and apply traction to influence the spine, joints and other related tissues. The other kind of treatment is the Diversified technique where a full spine manipulation takes place while using various other techniques. The Activator technique uses the spring loaded tool to deliver accurate adjustments to the spine. 

Thompson Technique relies on drop table or procedural protocols. There are many other techniques that are used by the South Jordan Chiropractor depending upon the condition of the patient. Manipulation is usually done under anesthesia or sedation. The patients will be counseled and advised for a physical fitness or exercise program, corrective or therapeutic exercise programme, self care strategies, nutrition and health supplements, relaxation and stress reduction methods, disease prevention methods and early screening advice.